My pastor spoke about the Great Commission on Sunday. He challenged us to make God's mission our mission with trust and obedience. This tied into a recent lecture from class where the speaker stated, "Get involved with what God is doing because it's already blessed."
Our mission and values should be in line with the big picture God has. He will bless when we are in line with His plan. The exciting part is that this will look different for each of us. We all have unique gifts and abilities that can be used for Him.
My recent classes have encouraged me to develop a personal mission statement for my life. I adopted a line from a song by John Waller that have have blogged about before: Blessing for Life. I have chosen to live by the line, "I will choose to be a blessing for life." I want to find ways to encourage and bless others, and I believe this lines up with God's mission of reaching people for Him.
How are you living to make God's mission your mission?