Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lunch Break

This is Nate's first attempt at taking a picture of us - a little blurry, but I like it! I like it because it reminds me of the times I met him for lunch at his work. Since I have Fridays off, I would sometimes meet him for his lunch break. We met at a nearby Subway a couple times, but then we realized we would have more time if we just brought food and ate together in his truck. It was always fun to spend a little bit of time together on Friday afternoons, but yesterday was our last lunch together at Willow Run - where Nate works. His last day there is on Tuesday! He took a new job at Frito Lay with an undetermined start date at this point. He still put in his two weeks at Willow Run, looking forward to some time off in between around the holidays. He will still be working his part time job at Frito Lay until the transition to the full time driver's spot.

It will be a little harder for me to join Nate for lunch at his new job. He did say that he gets to take a passenger twice a year, so I'll have to join him on the road at some point! He is looking forward to this new position. He has been working at Willow Run for 6 years now, mostly as a yard jockey - moving trucks around in the yard and getting them ready to take out. [By the way! After our lunch on Friday, Nate drove me out back to the yard so I could see where he spends most of his day. I always enjoy seeing where people live or work, so I was glad to see that before his time there is through.] More recently, he picked up a part time job at Frito Lay, hoping to get in there full time eventually. A spot opened up for him, and he is looking forward to scaling down to just having one job.

Maybe Nate will have to come visit me for lunch now until he starts his new job!

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