Monday, January 16, 2012

Words of Affirmation

A goal this year is to read ten books for fun, and The 5 Love Languages was the first one I finished. It discusses the idea that there are five primary ways to show love to others, and we all give and receive love in different ways. It is key to learn the primary love language of those you are closet to so you can "speak their language" and show them love and appreciation.

The 5 Love Languages that Gary Chapman discusses are:

  • Words of Affirmation - written, spoken, emailed, in a text - you like to hear or read meaningful words
  • Quality Time - undivided attention and "being there" without any distractions
  • Receiving Gifts - especially ones that took effort and thought
  • Acts of Service - easing the responsibilities of someone else by saying, "Let me do that for you."
  • Physical Touch - hugs, pats on the back, gentle touches on the arm, etc. to show care, concern, and love
I remember hearing about the concept of The 5 Love Languages back in high school youth group. In college, some engaged friends had a Bible study looking at the book. I had an idea of what my love language was, but I was curious, so I took the online quiz, and then I asked for the book for Christmas.

The quiz indicated that my primary love language is words of affirmation. A friend once pointed out that often you give love the same way you like to receive it. I have been known for writing notes to family and friends - affirming their importance in my life through written word. I easily give love this way, and that is how I appreciate receiving it too. I like when people write a thoughtful note in a birthday card, not just leaving it to Hallmark to express well-wishes. I like "just because" emails, and random texts make me smile. I love getting a phone call from a friend, and finding a note in my locker used to be the best part of my day!

Yes, I appreciate the other ways that love is shown, but usually words will stick with me the best.

So how about you? How do you most like to receive love? Learn your Love Language here by taking the quiz!

And then don't be afraid to tell others what is most meaningful to you. Clue family and friends in so they can "speak your language" and show you love.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Laura,
    This is excellent writing!!! We plan to take the test later when we have the time.
    Have a great evening.
    Love, Grandma and Grandpa
