Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who's Setting Your Pace?

In a race, you often pace yourself based on the speed of those surrounding you. You can push yourself a little harder if the people near you have a quicker pace.

When I go for a run by myself, I'm not the fastest runner - but if I go running with someone who's just a little bit faster than me I realize I can push myself to run faster than usual! All it takes is a little motivation and encouragement from the person next to you setting a faster pace.

So think about your own life. Who's setting the pace for you? Who do you surround yourself with?

Do you spend time with people that challenge you to think and grow? Do those around you motivate you to try new things, accomplish goals, and be creative?

How about your spiritual life? Who's setting the pace when it comes to your walk with the Lord?

"You pace yourself according to whom you run beside."

This statement is from a Bible study book I'm going though with a group at church, and it stuck with me and made me think.

Life is meant to be lived with other people. If we are willing to be open and share in relationships, they can encourage us and keep us accountable in our spiritual life and other areas.

When you're unmotivated or have hit a low point - look for others who are full of energy and have a passion for God's Word! Chances are, if you surround yourself with people eager to live their life for the Lord, they'll set the pace for you and you'll be encouraged to join them and run along side them in this journey of life.

Who is setting the pace for your life right now? Could you push yourself a little farther if you surrounded yourself with other people? Find people that are going to encourage and motivate you - share life with them!

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