Monday, November 12, 2012

A Clean House and a Clean Heart

As Nate and I have been fixing up this house to move into after the wedding, I've done a lot of cleaning in the past few months! It never seems to end - there are always more areas to clean!

I spent the majority of today at the house cleaning. From the picture above you can see that we have several supplies to help us make the house squeaky clean again. And today I got to thinking...

This would be so much easier to clean if the house hadn't just been sitting here for a year and a half!

You see - Nate bought the house off the bank. No one had been living in it for several months. No one had been consistently cleaning it and the dirt and grime piled up.

How often do I let the sin in my life pile up?

Wouldn't it be best to keep short accounts with God? Much like it would be easier to keep a house clean if you cleaned a little bit every week instead of letting it all build up and become a huge project to restore it to the point of cleanliness?

This house was filled with mold, and dirt, and cobwebs, and broken pieces - but that is all slowly changing.

And it's the same in our life - cleaning up our sin takes time. It can be a long and slow process to allow God to purify our sinful selves, but once your life gets to that point of restoration - keep short accounts with God and don't allow yourself to get to the point of complete filthiness again!

We're trying not to let the current mess in the house discourage us. Instead, we are choosing to see the potential and carefully taking the proper steps to cleansing. In the same way, God has a closet full of cleaning supplies - if we open our heart to His love and forgiveness and allow Him to work in our life, He will make us squeaky clean!

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