This is my 100th post, so I decided to share 100 things you may or may not know about me.
1. I am 21 years old.
2. Elephants are my favorite animal.
3. I have 2 sisters.
4. I graduated with 24 kids in my class.
5. I go to school in Rochester, NY.
6. Gerber daisies are my favorite flower.
7. I love fruit.
8. I go blueberry and strawberry picking every summer.
9. I have been to Hawaii twice.
10. My eyes are green.
11. I was the class treasurer all 4 years of high school.
12. I am a management major.
13. I like to write things down.
14. I am right handed.
15. I have 16 cousins.
16. I have only ever lit a match once in my life.
17. I have been in 2 weddings - and I've worn both dresses a second time.
18. I got my first real job in 10th grade.
19. I got my driver's permit on my 16th birthday.
20. I prefer to use blue pens.
21. I still have Ellie - my stuffed animal elephant from when I was little.
22. I played soccer for 6 years.
23. I have been outside North America once - on a missions trip to Guatemala.
24. I have never broken a bone.
25. I had braces for 6 years.
26. I collect coins.
27. My favorite dinner food is baked ziti.
28. I bought a blue 2001 Honda Accord after freshman year of college.
29. I have been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld.
30. I have been parasailing.
31. I kept score for the guy's basketball team for 3 years in high school.
32. I have both water skiied and downhill skiied.
33. I have had tubes in my ears twice.
34. I was the yearbook editor my senior year of high school.
35. My car's name is Edwin.
36. I got a cell phone when I was 17.
37. I like to rollerblade.
38. I love to play games.
39. I love watching home videos of my family.
40. I do not own an iPod/MP3 player.
41. I am still friends with girls I was in the nursery with at church.
42. Before I was born, they thought I was twins.
43. My middle name is Katherine.
44. I eat breakfast everyday.
45. I have never cried during a movie.
46. My favorite book is Mistaken Identity.
47. I like tea.
48. I took 3 years of Spanish in high school.
49. I play the flute.
50. I want to learn more about the Underground Railroad.
51. I was saluatorian of my graduating class.
52. Besides college, I've lived in the same house my whole life.
53. I am not artistic.
54. I love sending people cards.
55. Snickers are my favorite candy bar.
56. My favorite color goes between green and dark purple.
57. I didn't like rollercoasters until 7th grade.
58. I like coffee.
59. I have glasses, but wear contacts.
60. I like playing volleyball.
61. One semester I spent $621.95 on textbooks.
62. I swim laps regularly.
63. The first movie I saw in theaters was Lion King.
64. Mulan is my favorite Disney movie.
65. Peter Pan is a close second.
66. I shop at Walmart.
67. My family didn't have a gaming system until I was out of the house.
68. I sang in both the church and school choirs.
69. I sing alto.
70. I rarely use pencils.
71. I got a texting plan freshman year of college.
72. I like to make lists.
73. Turkey is my favorite lunch meat.
74. I like helping others.
75. I have won the intramural ultimate frisbee championships twice.
76. Freshman year of college, I met my roommate at 2AM.
77. I have climbed an active volcano.
78. I have gone crabbing.
79. I have had my tonsils out.
80. I have been bit by a dog.
81. I collected popsicle sticks in second grade.
82. I have gone sledding on a boogie board.
83. I like to make smoothies.
84. My favorite item at Jitter's is a Blackberry and Cream Milkshake.
85. I have successfully eaten a whole garbage plate in one sitting.
86. I have been to the top of the Washington Monument.
87. I listen to music when I can't sleep.
88. I got first place in an art show in Jr. High.
89. I like wrapping presents.
90. My parents were born 12 days apart.
91. I love wearing slippers in the winter.
92. I only rode the bus to school in Kindergarten.
93. I have made ice cream from snow.
94. I like to clean and organize.
95. I have ridden in an ambulance to the hospital.
96. I automatically hum while blowdrying my hair.
97. I did a science fair project on moldy bread in 4th grade.
98. I have been to the top of the Empire State Building.
99. I am 5 foot 8 inches tall.
100. I am starting to become a reader.