This was my last formal at Roberts. They have one every semester, and this was the first year that I went to both the winter and the spring formals in the same year - had to make the most of my last year! Usually we are served dinner before dancing all night long, but this year just a variety of desserts were offered. This allowed for more mingling with friends and a more casual setting.
I went with a couple of SIFE friends and had fun with my roommate, Michelle, and others on the dance floor! I helped make Michelle's dreams come true by taking her picture with our college president - P. Martin as he is affectionately called. She was in heaven! (Michelle, I might add, had perfect attendance at all eight of Roberts' formals we have been here for - impressive!)
Ross Corners' friends - I always think back to our Fruit 'n Nut days when I'm at events like formal. Oh the fun we had! Stupid brush, anyone?
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