This is the City of Rochester. I cross that bridge several times a week as my internship and church are on the other side of the city from school. I have enjoyed my time in Rochester these past four years, and this past year especially!
As my time here comes to a close, I am trying to make the most of it. Here is what I will be involved in during my final month in Rochester:
Internship - I have completed my required 90 hours with Heritage Christian Services, but I am putting in an extra 30 hours because I recognize the value of my experiences in their Development Office. I will continue to go to Heritage two days a week until Easter Break.
Bible Study - I took a break from this for the semester, but my schedule has become a bit more flexible this past month. I joined a Wednesday night group that is studying Ephesians and hope to continue this until graduation.
Youth Group - I have been helping out with the youth on Sundays nights at Browncroft. I spend time with the 7th grade girls, discussing the topic of the evening and getting to know them.
Sunday School - I was asked to help with some sessions for the high school seniors about transitioning to college. I am planning to lead the week on expectations, something I can relate to from my experiences freshman year. I hope my insight will be helpful as these students prepare for their next step.
SIFE Involvement - Our team is preparing for Nationals, but there's more to be done here! Because of our partnership with a Rotary Club, I am helping to prepare Easter baskets for needy families and serving at a pancake breakfast in the coming weeks. I am also hosting a SIFE Girls Night this week for us to all hang out before the end of the year.
Group Projects - What would the life of a business major be without group projects? I have five going on right now, so that is fun to juggle everyone's schedules. Good thing making power points is a favorite activity of mine!
Ultimate Frisbee - I have perfect attendance for ultimate frisbee intramurals. I have played every year - and was an ultimate frisbee champ for two of those years! One final year to go out there and have some fun!
This is going to be a busy month! Throw formal, SIFE Chapel, classes, work, and Easter Break in there, and there will never be a dull moment! I'm looking forward to a great last few weeks in Rochester!
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