Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cooking Challenge: Chicken and Wild Rice

My friend, Audrey, from my time in Rochester, got to know me pretty well. For a graduation gift, she got me a large cookbook, a movie, and a challenge. The challenge? Watch the movie, Julie & Julia, try new recipes, invite new friends over to try the new meals, and blog about the experience.

I kind of cheated, because I haven't watched the movie recently, but I was too excited to cook for my friend, Hannah, on Friday! She was coming over, and there were a ton of new crock-pot recipes I wanted to try, so I made Chicken and Wild Rice. Paired with cooked carrots and brown 'n serve rolls, it was a tasty meal! The chicken was very moist, and those rolls are my new favorite! Hannah and I enjoyed our meal together, and I'm looking forward to another chance to cook for a friend.

What I learned: The recipe called for chicken broth, and I was unsure the best way to make this..or do you buy it? No one was home to ask, and my sister was not responding to a text, so I made up my own version of chicken broth from ramen noodles! My younger sister like to just each the noodles, leaving lots of left over chicken flavoring packets. I heated some water and added the ramen chicken flavoring to make chicken broth! Since then, I have learned that you can use bouillon cubes to make broth, or just use the box of chicken broth sitting front and center in the pantry!

Thanks, Audrey, for this fun challenge - I'll keep you posted on future new recipes!

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