Monday, July 18, 2011

A Lesson from Grandpa

I bought an orange gerber daisy on my way to work. An orange gerber daisy because it reminds me of the many memories I have of Grandpa. Today marks 10 years since our last memories together. I was able to visit his grave site recently and think back on the relationship I had with him.

During my time at Roberts, I often thought about him during my business classes. He was a State Farm Insurance agent, so it seemed like what I was learning would have been applicable to what he did there. It would have been interesting to talk to him about my experiences.

It's amazing to think about everything that has happened in 10 years. I got my first job. I learned how to drive. I graduated from high school. I traveled out of the country for two missions trips. I ran in my first organized race. I got my college degree. I started my first real job. I would have loved for Grandpa to be there for many of those milestones!

I will always remember the final words Grandpa said to me. My family had been down visiting a week or so before he died, and as we were leaving he told me, "There's so much we didn't get to do, but there's always next time." Next time never came. Relationships with family and friends are so important to me, and Grandpa's final words have encouraged me to be sure to make the most of the time I do have with the ones I love. That is why I buy an orange gerber daisy on July 18th - to remember Grandpa and the lesson he taught me all those years ago. Read my blog from last year to find out why I decided on an orange gerber daisy, and I will enjoy the smile it brings to my face today!


  1. 2 tissues again! Thanks for remembering!

  2. What a sweet post Laura. I know your grandpa touched many lives in a positive way including mine.

  3. Thanks, Laura.
    It is wonderful to remember your grandpa through your eyes. I went back to last year's blog...very beautiful tribute to him. The beauty is, we'll all be able to see him again, thanks to Jesus.!!!!
    "What a day that will be...."
    Love, Grandma T
