Today I bought a gerber daisy - as close to the color orange as Wegmans had. I wanted to get an orange gerber diasy because that I what I had picked out at my Grandpa's funeral 9 years ago. My Grandpa died today in 2001 - the summer between 6th and 7th grade. At his funeral, each grandkid got to pick a flower to take home with us, and I chose an orange gerber daisy. A lady at the church helping with the lunch-in saw me with it and said, "That flower is perfect - tall and beautiful, just like you!" I dried that gerber daisy and had it sitting on my shelf for years. Recently I have had to get rid of it as the petals kept falling off over the years. Now, I will buy an orange gerber daisy every July 18th, in rememberance of my Grandpa. Gerber daisies are now my favorite flower, and I'm glad I have a wonderful memory attached to them.

I have so many great memories of my Grandpa! We were down in Maryland visiting the week or so before he died. We did all sorts of fun activites! We went water skiing and ate crabs - two of my favorite memories of him. He was the one who patiently taught me how to water ski, and he was out there doing it that week too! At the end of the week, one of the last things he said to me was, "There was so much we didn't get to do, but there's always next time." And there was no next time. You never know when it will be the last time you spend with someone, so be sure to make the most of it! My Grandpa not only taught me how to water ski, but also an important life lesson.
Sure, I miss my Grandpa. I wonder what it would have been like for him to be at my high school graduation. I wonder what he would say about what I'm studying in school. He never got to meet 3 of his grandkids, and he won't be there on my wedding day, where there will definitely be lots of gerber daisies! But I'm thankful for the man he was and the memories I have of him. I will smile and think of him as I glance at this gerber daisy I bought today!
You were right about needing the tissue Laura. I am on my second one so far. This is beautiful!