Friday, November 11, 2011

Peace Leading to Hope

A song had been in my head lately, and every time it comes on the radio I smile. It's a great reminder of the peace we can have during tough times because we know where our hope is. Check out the song by Aaron Shust here and reflect on some of the lyrics below. (Please ignore the advertisement in the beginning as the video loads.)

My hope is in You, Lord
All the day long
I won't be shaken by drought or storm
A peace that passes understanding is my song
And I sing
My hope is in You, Lord

Whatever situation we are facing, we can have that peace that passes understanding because of the hope we have in the Lord. My parents and I have talked about this - the sense of peace we had during this flood from the very first day. We can't explain it, but we can move forward with hope for the future.

If you didn't listen to the song, you really should! It'll stick in your head too - My Hope is in You.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I listened. Wonderful message from you and your parents. He (God) is faithful!!!!
    Love ya,
