Sunday, December 4, 2011

Looking Like a Kitchen

My uncle came down for a day this past week to install our lower kitchen cabinets and our kitchen sink! We now have running water on the first floor, and we hope to move kitchen items into the new cabinets soon. We still need to install the lazy susan in the corner and the dishwasher next to the sink. Counter tops will be in soon, and kick boards and knobs will come eventually.

We did redesign our kitchen less than ten years ago, and my mom like it just the way it was. That made it easier to make decisions about this new kitchen. She had the original layout and plans, so took those in when ordering cabinets. We did save the upper cabinets, and the store still had the exact match for the lower! We changed a few of the colors, and while we did save our old sink, Mom is excited about the new stove - it has a flat surface, unlike our old one! We have already done some cooking and baking in our new space, and are looking forward to it being done by Christmas.

While we are making progress at our house, homes around the area are at all different stages. I had the opportunity yesterday to help clear out a house down the road. This place had not really been touched for 3 months. Friends of mine from Rochester came down for the day to work on it, so I joined them for the afternoon. We tore out walls and floors, and it was strange to think that my house used to look like that. Unlike us, many families are not rebuilding. Several homes around us have been sold or are for sale. The owner of the home we were at planned to sell the house after it was cleared out. I was glad to spend time helping at a house and being reminded of what others are still working on.

We are still moving forward and continue to appreciate encouragement, prayers, gifts, and support. God has given us a sense of joy and peace during this time through family and friends like you!

1 comment:

  1. Now both your grandmas are happy!!! Looks very good.
