Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mom Loves Her Projects!

My mom loves projects! She usually plans ahead before she tackles a project, but when our house flooded three months ago, she jumped right in and took on this new project! She has overseen rebuilding our home from the beginning, organizing days to clear out our house, making sure everything was sanitized and dried out properly, making decisions about what we needed to be able to move back in, coordinating work efforts to re-wire the electric, sheetrock the walls, and install kitchen cabinets, and so much more!

Mom has done all this while still continuing to work her regular job. She has done all this while still fulfilling her commitments at church. She has done all this while still keeping in touch with far away family. She has done all this while still having a joyful spirit. She has done all this while still wanting us to have a special Christmas.

She has put the house project on a slower pace lately, wanting time to celebrate Christmas. Our house progress has moved right along, and she is taking a well-deserved break! There is still plenty more to do after the holidays, and I hope she is able to get the rest she needs to gear up for the next step in this project!

Thank you, Mom, for the time you have put in and the commitment you have made to rebuilding our home. Many have been impressed by your positive attitude, and I appreciate your flexibility as we live together in a half-finished house. We will be able to look back on this experience with great memories! I know your true hope is in the Lord, and He has certainly blessed us with family and friends that care for us. Continue to allow them to wrap their arms around you during this time, encouraging you on this journey. I love you, Mom, and it is a joy to be a part of your family!

In the picture above, Mom is cleaning up after a painting project. She is how she also washed our dishes for a few weeks! We did not have a sink in the kitchen, but she wanted to move in anyway and agreed to wash the dishes in the bathtub. She has certainly made sacrifices during this time, and I hope she knows that they do not go unnoticed.

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