Today was my last first day of school! I'm a senior at Roberts Wesleyan College, looking forward to graduation in May. I started my day nice and early with a 6:30AM 5 mile run. I'm doing most of my meals on my own this year, so I got ready for my day and grabbed breakfast at the townhouse. Then I met my friend, Jillian, to walk to our first class. I am taking an eletive this semester called Leadership in Ministry. The pastor from the church on campus teaches it, and I've heard a lot of good things about the class! I'm decided to just audit it to free up some of my time if I do not want to do some of the assignments. However, I will still get the valuable information from the class. After that class, Jillian and I headed to Managerial Toolbox. This is a business class where each student creates their own plan for the year. We pick something we want to learn more about or develop in our lives and decide how to best accomplish that. My thought is to learn more about grant writing this semester as I look forward to doing more of that in my internship in the Spring. Next came chapel. The first chapel is always done by President Martin. He gives a brief history of the college, showing us pictures of campus from back in the day. He talks about the many buildings on campus and shows us pictures of the people they are named after. I am living in a dorm called Adams this year, and they were a cute couple that used to be the president of the college. After chapel I had a half an hour to eat the lunch I had packed and catch up with a friend, then it was off to my last class of the day - Creativity and Problem Solving. Basically, we will learn how to think outside the box, and at the end of the semester we have to create an invention and present on it. I'm usually a pretty straight forward thinker, so this class might be a stretch for me! Now, usually I would head to work after this class, but my rule is that I always give myself one week to get used to the new semester before I start to work, so I've had a free afternoon! It hasn't been a bad first day, but I do have a 4 page paper due on Wednesday!
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