Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Painted Kitchen and Lots of Laundry

Things are coming along at the Tischer Home! Our kitchen now has a fridge, microwave, stove, upper cabinets, and the latest - paint on the walls! My grandparents came down earlier this week and painted the kitchen and all of the ceilings. We broke in the new stove by baking cookies - oatmeal chocolate chip - a family favorite! We have been making our own meals, and we mostly use paper plates and cups, but what dishes we do have, we have to wash upstairs in the bathtub.

The floor, lower cabinets, and counter top will all come in next week. With the kitchen complete, my mom will take a sigh of relief until after Christmas - then she will begin thinking about the other rooms in the house!

When many of our kitchen appliances came, our new washer and dryer came as well. This was helpful as I had to wash my entire wardrobe! Since my clothes had been sitting in my closet for two months in air the flood had touched, they all smelled and needed a good washing. I did several loads of laundry, and these guys get the job done! The dryer is really quick, and both of them sing to you when your clothes are done.

You'll notice a section of the bathroom wall is missing there on the left. When the sheetrock was hung, a nail went into one of the pipes. We had to open up the wall to fix the water issue, and we are waiting for the sheetrock guy to close it up again. (It's okay though - this gives Mom more time to think about a paint color!)

Julie is off from school and home for the week. This is her first time home since the flood. She went right to work cleaning flood mud off items when she first got here! Amy will be home for Christmas, so we'll see what it looks like at that point. Pictures and my blogging help, but my sisters will never really know what it was like to go through everything with the house. Talking to a neighbor the other day, she did not ever want to look back and remember what it was like. I think it's important to remember the tough times and reflect on what God has brought you though. We are continuing to take small steps in this process, and celebrate little accomplishments along the way - like paint colors and laundry!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!!!! Sorry we didn't get to do the I beam. Grandma T
