Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Regional Champions

Our SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise details in a past post) team on campus recently got back from a trip to Cleveland, OH. We competed in Regional Competition with other SIFE teams from Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania. Five of our SIFE students prepared and memorized a 24 minute presentation on the projects we have worked on this year. Our media team put together a video with footage and statistics from our projects. There were judges in each league who decided who would move on to National Competition in Minneapolis in May.

I have traveled to Regional Competition each year since I was a freshman. It's always a fun and memorable trip to be able to spend time with SIFE friends, cheer on our presenters, and celebrate what we have accomplished through our time with SIFE.

The picture above is a handful of us with the signs we won at the awards ceremony. We were so excited about our signs that we forgot to have our Regional Champion Trophy in the picture too! So here's me and Danielle with the trophy below - heading to Nationals in May!


  1. wahooo i finally made ur blog!!!

  2. this is danielle lol i cant figure out how to make my name at the bottom
