Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Mom has been spending much of her time at furniture stores lately, picking up lots of fabric samples and testing out many couches and recliner options. She has also gathered several paint chips and looked at rugs, trying to coordinate everything for our new living room.

With a lot to still figure out for the back room, she was able to make a decision on the paint color for the bathroom and bought the trim needed for the bathroom and kitchen. Now the question is how many coats of stain do we need to get just the shade we are looking for on the trim...?

Mom has also been shopping for doors and organizing what we do have in our house - gearing up for phase 2 of this house project! Our Christmas break us over. The day after New Years Mom had us all taking down the Christmas decorations, saying it was time to get back into house project mode!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun....just too many decisions!!!!
    Happy planning.
