Saturday, January 7, 2012

Roomies Again

My college roommate, Michelle, now lives and works in Syracuse. She recently moved in to her own apartment, and I visited her the other night. She showed me her new place and explained her plans as she continues to make it her own. We enjoyed just catching up and spending time with each other again.

We went to Dinosaur BBQ for dinner and felt like we were back in college having a crazy adventure together when we couldn't find a good place to grab coffee! After multiple K-turns, we ended up at the grocery store and bought stuff to make a cake. Neither of us had our aprons, but we baked a carrot cake together and ate it that night.

I don't think Michelle knew this, but "bake something with Michelle" was on my list of goals last year. We never made time for it in the dorm, so it was fun to be able to finally do that together!

Michelle has a fireplace, so we enjoyed that and spent the evening talking until we went to bed.

Syracuse was a great stop along the way as I headed to Rochester for an appointment the next morning. After my appointment, I went to campus to have lunch with Jillian and visit with a handful of professors and staff. I also stopped by my aunt's house for a bit to talk, and then I redeemed my birthday dinner coupon and went to the Cheesecake Factory with Honna! Remembering how exhausting these trips to Rochester can be as I catch up with so many people, I kept the trip short and headed home after dinner.

I have enjoyed keeping in touch with friends from Roberts, and I was glad to spend time with some the past couple of days, and even feel like I was back in the dorms for one night! (It was a much classier dorm though, I must say!)

1 comment:

  1. Neat, Laura, You were traveling instead of working too hard. Ha
    Is Michelle working at the hospital associated with Syracuse University? She will be much closer now.
    Love, Grandma
