Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Recent Pictures

I haven't taken any pictures lately which means my Facebook albums and my blog posts have been lacking.

However! This lack of pictures does NOT mean I have not been doing anything! I have been adjusting to life in 2012:

  • Back to Class - I am taking a course at the community college for my work. It's called Writing for the Media, and I'm hoping to improve my skills to benefit my newsletter, brochure, advertising, and website efforts. I go to class two mornings a week during work hours, and then finish my day in the office.
  • People Interaction - Much of my day at work is spent at my desk staring at a computer screen. That has slowly been changing! Not only does this new class allow me to take some time away from my desk, but I have been taking on some responsibilities with our clients. I am now assisting with pregnancy tests, and I have enjoyed following up with the girls afterwards to see how things are going. I've also had some more interactive opportunities as I spoke in chapel at the school I went to growing up, and I attended a grant writing presentation the other day. I have appreciated these new experiences that bring me away from my desk!
  • Nate's Schedule - Nate began working full time at Frito Lay the beginning of this month. Although he was hired as a truck driver, they pulled him into the yard to move trailers around and work full time as a yard jockey. He likes the yard jockey work and has a lot of experience with it, but right now he is working the night shift. This has been a huge adjustment for him, and I have had to learn some flexibility with the time we can spend together. He is not sure how long he will be in this position or have this night shift, as they might move him back to driving truck, so we are taking it a day at a time and praying for patience as we see what the future holds.
  • Church Membership - I attended a two week class at my church to help me determine if I wanted to apply for church membership. I have been attending First Baptist since June and hope to become more involved in the ministry. I have appreciated the many relationships I have formed there - many of them encouraging me in my walk with the Lord. It would be great to officially be a part of the family!
So I have no pictures to show for it, but I am doing well and trying to make the most of 2012!

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