"Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su hijo unigenito, para que todo aquel que en el cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." -Juan 3:16
Who would have ever thought I would use something I learned in 7th grade homeroom?! Everyday, Mrs. Schlundt would make us recite John 3:16 in Spanish, and we never understood why. Well, tonight I was at a team meeting for my upcoming Ecuador trip, and we were discussing the Bible stories and songs we wanted to do with the kids. Then the idea came up to teach the kids a Bible verse. Of course, John 3:16 was the verse we chose to focus on, and partway through the night I remembered, "I know that verse in Spanish!"
I'm excited to use what I remember from almost 10 years ago to teach young Ecuadorian children about the love of God. Neat to see how every morning in homeroom will now pay off!
Who would have ever thought I would use something I learned in 7th grade homeroom?! Everyday, Mrs. Schlundt would make us recite John 3:16 in Spanish, and we never understood why. Well, tonight I was at a team meeting for my upcoming Ecuador trip, and we were discussing the Bible stories and songs we wanted to do with the kids. Then the idea came up to teach the kids a Bible verse. Of course, John 3:16 was the verse we chose to focus on, and partway through the night I remembered, "I know that verse in Spanish!"
I'm excited to use what I remember from almost 10 years ago to teach young Ecuadorian children about the love of God. Neat to see how every morning in homeroom will now pay off!
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